Sunday, May 18, 2008

Back on earth.

Well, I have to apologize to my daughter and my husband because their has only been one thing on my mind for the last week and a half. I have been lost in the caves of Arizona hanging out with "Melanie" and waiting for "Wanda" to realize she was in love with "Ian". Ooops, sorry I think I fell back into the world of "The Host". I loved it!!! Best sci-fi/love story I have ever read. But to any of those that have read the "Twilight" series you know how talented Stephenie Meyer is. She definitely out did herself with this one!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life update

Well, it was requested by Katie that I update our life situation and plans for the immediate future.

Life is going pretty good here in the "great" state of Mississippi. Jon is still at the Hard Rock as a dealer, luckily. (a few weeks ago approx. 50 dealers were changed from full time status-40 hrs w/benefits-down to 1 day a week and no benefits) We had been looking for a house to buy, but after A LOT of looking and A LOT of prayers, we really felt like it was not the right time for us to buy. So, we are going to sign another 6 month lease in our apartment and than reevaluate things then. To all those other members of the Biloxi ward, I am sorry you are stuck with us for at least another 6 months. Nothing much else has changed. I am still absolutely LOVING being a stay at home mom. Watching Sophie grow and change everyday is just such a joy!

I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday, I now have to finish cleaning my house before my visiting teacher comes over. :)

Monday, May 12, 2008


The Best Mother's Day Ever!

So, I have to start this post by apologizing to all the other wives and mother's out there, because I have the BEST husband ever! We started Mother's Day with a FABULOUS breakfast that my husband made for me. (French toast and bacon) Then while I was getting ready for church, Jon asked me to come into the living room. The following is what I saw:
First, I need to tell you about the picture that Jon is holding. That is a poem that he found on the internet and took a stencil to paint the canvas. (Now, what I think is COMPLETELY amazing is that he had to do this one letter at a time and he did this on his breaks while he was at work) Second, (the funny part) is that Jon decided that he wanted to put Sophie's hand print on the picture, so he painted her hand and "magically" got a PERFECT hand print, than Sophie decided that she wanted to paint herself. Luckily, it was washable paint. She still managed to get in her hair, ears, and even managed to paint her eyelashes.

Jon, felt bad about the fact that she made a mess of herself and that it was now going to take longer to get her ready, but I thought it was absolutely hilarious!!! And somehow, even though she practically painted her whole body, she did not get a drip of paint anywhere else.

My great day continued at church. The bishopric gave all the mother's roses during sacrament. Which was really sweet. And than it got even better. The elder's quorum decided that the husbands of all the teacher's in the primary were going to take over their wives primary class. (For those of you that don't know I teach the CTR 5-6 in primary) So, for the first time since November I got to go to Relief Society while Jon taught my class. I'm telling you he's the BEST!!

After church we stopped at the beach and took a few pictures.

Thank you Jon for EVERYTHING!!! I am so Thankful for all that you did to give me such a wonderful and memorable day!! I am so grateful that I get to be with you for eternity!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Funny Missionaries

So, we all love missionaries right! And we know they work extremely hard, but we rarely get to see them when they are not working. Well, thanks to a couple of Elders in our ward we got a sneak peek into what life is like in their apartments.

Check this out.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of those wonderful Mums out there!! Thank you to all of my "adopted" moms for always being there for me! And a very big Thank You to my little boy Isaac and my beautiful daughter Sophie for letting me be your Mama. There is absolutely nothing better in life than being their mom.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Go David, Go David.....!!!!

If you haven't been watching American Idol, well than I'm not sure what planet you live on, but for all the "normal" people out there. Yeah!!!! David Archuleta made it another week. One more closer to the finale!!! He has been my pick since the top 24, and now he's in the top 3. I was sad to see Brooke White leave last week. I really liked her, but I was very happy to finally see Jason go last night. I'm not exactly sure how he has made it this long. Uuuggghh! What was up with those dreads anyways. Well, back to David..... Go David, Go David, Go David!!!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Here fishy, fishy, fishy

Daddy teaching Sophie to fish
Mommy and Sophie waiting to see the "big one"
How cute are we?!?!?!?!?

Out to lunch....

What's better than going out for lunch?!?! I know....

having lunch on the beach is WAY better!!! My little girl was sweet enough to join me for lunch on the beach. We had so much fun....that is until I realized that eating on the beach is a lot of work when you have a crawling toddler that wants to put all the sand in her mouth. But it was a good change and it's always wonderful to enjoy the sunshine.

(this actually happened a couple of weeks ago...I just forgot to blog it--but I thought the pics of Sophie were so cute that I had to share)


She figured them out.....OH NO!!!! Now, the fun REALLY starts. But how can you get upset with that innocent little face. I have a feeling that innocent look is going to be a problem.