Thanks to some AMAZING talks given in Sacrament meeting (at our church) by Brother and Sister Flake about goals, Jon and I have decided to re-vamp our lives. ESPECIALLY our eating habits and health levels. We have set various goals including
NO soda, no eating after 10 pm, and going on walks for an hour at least 3x a week. The main reason I am telling the world this is so that you now are all out there to help me stay on track. If you see me with a brownie or cookie or ANYTHING yummy smack it, smack me or both. You have my permission. :) So far so good. It feels really good to be working on improving the health of my family and I hope that we will be able to pass it down to Sophie as well. So far she doesn't like raw vegetables (unless you let her suck the dip off of them) but she has always been a fruit fanatic, so we will look to build on that. Now, I am going to give you the same challenge I gave all the primary kids this Sunday. I challenge all of you to pick something that you want to work doesn't matter how big or small...but pick something and set a goal to improve it.
Have a GREAT 2009!!!!