Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why didn't anyone tell me?

Maybe I wasn't paying attention when I was growing up, but I'm pretty sure no one ever told me HOW FAST your children go from cute little blobs to pint sized people. I am shocked, sad and scared all at the same time at how fast Sophie is growing up and changing everyday.... and I do mean EVERY DAY!! Her new favorite things this week are crawling ALL over the house in search of one item in particular.... DOG TOYS. (another fascination I was not prepared for---the love of everything other than her own toys) This kid will watch you like a hawk to see where you put the dog toys and than she waits.... til that moment you look away and she's off on a sprint crawl to get that toy. Amazing!! She has also learned how to pull herself up on her toy basket (laundry basket full of toys) and than she procedes to empty it all out, until she realizes of course that there aren't any dogtoys in there. But, I think her cutest new trick of the week is her feeding herself. We had pizza yesterday and she just had a blast smearing it all over the tray, and than somehow managing to get the pieces just right in her little fingers to get them in her mouth. ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!! Being a mom is so GREAT!!!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What's this mom.....?

This last Friday, Sophie and I went to Church to go set up for an Enrichment activity. While we were waiting for the others to get there Sophie got to experience crawling on grass for the first time. It took awhile after being set in the grass before she even tried crawling. She just kept touching the grass and than looking at me, like she was trying to figure out why I put her there. She finally started crawling and than she reached the sidewalk, which again she thought was REALLY weird.

Friday, March 14, 2008


I just had to write about this. I just saw this 13 year old boy on Dr. Phil, and I am so proud of him that I had to pass it on. He has started a "no-cussing club" and even instituted a "no cuss week" at his school. He is trying to take this idea worldwide, and I just want to do my part and help. It always amazes me to see children taking a stand to change this world for the better. This world is getting uglier and uglier, but there sure are bright spots out there like McKay Hatch who has had the courage to stand up for what he believes. You go McKay!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Well it has been reaffirmed today to me that our Heavenly Father is watching over us at all times and knows what we stand in need of. I was having a rough day thinking about Isaac, and what he would be like now. (at almost 2 years old) And than I was emailed this link . This story is one of the most amazing stories to me of love, courage, faith and strength. It strengthened my testimony that I know I will see Isaac again, that I will be able to raise him again. And that even though these sweet spirits were only allowed to be here for a short time, it's not about the number of moments that you have it's about what you do with those moments.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sweet Children

We had the great opportunity to watch Vince yesterday. He is a one year old boy, son of our friends Katie and Dan. They went to the Baton Rouge LDS Temple, so, Sophie and I got to hang out with Vince all day. It was definitely an interesting experience to have 2 basically 1 year olds. But we had so much fun. Sophie was just an awe of Vince. She would just stare at him while he was crawling, like she was trying to figure out what he was doing, and how she could follow him. They played really well together and enjoyed sharing toys. For some reason though, Sophie was fascinated with taking Vince's paci out of his mouth. She never did anything with it. She just wanted to take it out of his mouth. (That's my funny little girl) Luckily for me, I managed to get them both to take naps at the same time for both naps during the day. Yeah me!!!!! One thing that it definitely settled in my mind, is that we need to have more children. They are just so sweet and so much fun.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Family Visit!

We were so blessed this week to have my Great Aunt Carol and Great Uncle Danny come visit us from Wisconsin. They were visiting their son in Georgia and decided to make a trek over here to see us. We had soooooo much fun, even though Danny and I lost in a Euchre tournament, it was still a blast. Oh, don't worry though Jon and Carol, we will be gunning for you next time! :) It was so good to see family again. What a morale booster it was to have a little piece of "home" here. We Thank You both so much for taking the time to come say "hi!" And for anyone else, you are more than welcome to come visit and say Hi as well.


Well, it was bound to happen. Sophie got her first cold. Ofcourse it is nothing major, she just has a stuffed up nose and a cough, but it breaks my heart! I absolutely hate seeing her upset and uncomfortable. I can't wait til she gets better, and than I am never taking her out again. Ok, that might be a little drastic. But I pray she doesn't get sick again for awhile, I don't think I will be able to handle it.