Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sweet Children

We had the great opportunity to watch Vince yesterday. He is a one year old boy, son of our friends Katie and Dan. They went to the Baton Rouge LDS Temple, so, Sophie and I got to hang out with Vince all day. It was definitely an interesting experience to have 2 basically 1 year olds. But we had so much fun. Sophie was just an awe of Vince. She would just stare at him while he was crawling, like she was trying to figure out what he was doing, and how she could follow him. They played really well together and enjoyed sharing toys. For some reason though, Sophie was fascinated with taking Vince's paci out of his mouth. She never did anything with it. She just wanted to take it out of his mouth. (That's my funny little girl) Luckily for me, I managed to get them both to take naps at the same time for both naps during the day. Yeah me!!!!! One thing that it definitely settled in my mind, is that we need to have more children. They are just so sweet and so much fun.

1 comment:

Katie said...

BIG BIG shout out to Franna for watching my kid all day, and to Sophie for entertaining him and sharing her toys so well. The temple was a fantastic experience (as always) and we are so grateful for the time away. Thank you both, so much!