Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Trying to be like mommy

I thought this was super cute. Sophie spent 5 minutes trying to put on my shoes.

First Pony....tail.

After a lot of water, much tugging and some hairspray the FIRST ponytail has been created.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Project Blanket!

Erin and I have spent the last two days working on some tie blankets for Sophie and me. And if I do say so myself I think we did a FANTASTIC job!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Attack of the birds

We headed to the beach today for a picnic lunch and a quick dip in the gulf. We aren't sure if Sophie ate more food or sand, but hey it's just extra fiber right. We did have a few visitors to our lunch party which scared Erin and I, but Sophie thought they were hilarious.

Fun times with the Fam

My cousin Erin flew in on Tuesday to stay with us for two weeks. She flew into New Orleans so we took the opportunity to check out "the big easy" since none of us have been there before. We walked through freemont street and had lunch, and than we spent the rest of the afternoon at the aquarium. We all had a blast there. Sophie thought the fish were really cool, but wasn't so sure about the sharks. They scared her. And of course on the way home we had to drive down the famed "bourbon street". But I have to say that will for sure be my one and only time on that road. Check out the size of that burger.

Erin actually touched a shark. FREAKY!!!!!

Just in case you ever need to rent a tux and than rent a bike to get you there we have found the perfect store for you.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Had to...

So, when I was looking for that old picture of Sophie with her paci, I came across this picture and just had to post it. She was 3 or 4 days old, and she was sick of Daddy taking pictures. So, we got the following response. If she keeps this attitude up we are in TROUBLE!!!!!


So, we have been trying to wean Sophie off of her paci lately. And the main way we are doing that is only giving it to her when she is in bed. Now, this is slightly tricky since she has a "big girl" bed now. She just climbs into bed and gets her paci. So, I've been putting her paci's into a drawer so she can't get to them. Well, today Sophie thought she was ahead of the game and found one of her old paci's that is sized for a newborn. So cute!!!

Incidentally, this was Sophie at 2 days old (I think) with the same paci. I guess old habits die hard.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

And the final tally is....

Well Thanks to ALOT of work from Amy and some benadryl (I was finally able to get back outside) our garage sale was a HUGE success!!! We had a great turnout and I managed to make a (drum roll please).... a whopping $260.00. YAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we can get the lawn mower we need.

Blown up like a balloon

So, Amy and I decided to have a garage sale today. Unfortunately, I spent the first two hours laid out on the couch, on the verge of going to the emergencey room.

Apparently, I am allergic to the fire ants that I stepped into while I was placing our sign for the garage sale.

Thank goodness for BENADRYL!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mi Casa...

I thought I would show you all our new place. (I didn't take a picture of the front, because it is painted by far one of the worst colors of baby poop brown you could ever imagine)

Our living room

The dining room (leave comments and let me know what you think of the paint color)

Kitchen (it's so big I think you can play football in there)

Here's the other big change with the move... Sophie has a "big girl" bed now. She is actually doing surprisingly well with it. Can someone please give me some ideas as to what to do with the wall that has her name on it. It is so bland and I can't figure anything out.

Sophie's room.

Our backyard looking out from our back door. My favorite feature of all is our fenced in backyard. I absolutely LOVE the fact that I can just open the door and let the dogs out.

And for all of you that are out of state (which pretty much consists of everyone that looks at this) we also have a spare room for you to stay in. We would love for you all to come and visit!!!!