Saturday, July 19, 2008


So, we have been trying to wean Sophie off of her paci lately. And the main way we are doing that is only giving it to her when she is in bed. Now, this is slightly tricky since she has a "big girl" bed now. She just climbs into bed and gets her paci. So, I've been putting her paci's into a drawer so she can't get to them. Well, today Sophie thought she was ahead of the game and found one of her old paci's that is sized for a newborn. So cute!!!

Incidentally, this was Sophie at 2 days old (I think) with the same paci. I guess old habits die hard.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Good luck. If you succeed, let me know. I'm too afraid to make vince get rid of his. I LOVE the pacie...