Thursday, June 24, 2010


I guess since it has happened I HAVE to finally admit it.... Yes, the rumors are true! I am
Yikes, I have said it... that REALLY means it's true. :(
I did have a FANTASTIC birthday, so I'm not completely sad about the fact, but I always thought when I was growing up that I would feel different or have my life the way that I completely wanted it by the time I hit 30. And that is DEFINITELY not the case. But enough about the sad lets focus on the happy...
I woke up to ROSES, a brand new laminator (that I've been begging for... for FOREVER) and CHOCOLATE! The cutest part of this was Sophie running into my room before I had seen everything, and telling me that there were flowers and M&M's. She was too excited to hold in the secret. :) We had a fun morning with the kids playing in their pool... and than it got crazy.
I was KIDNAPPED! That's right, I was blindfolded, put into a car that I didn't know and with people driving that wouldn't talk to me. I was driven around for 20 minutes before we reached our destination. When we finally got there, they took the blindfold off to reveal my two best friends Amber, and Josie had taken me to Olive Garden for lunch. After there we all went and had spa pedicures done. It was an AWESOME afternoon... and my birthday celebration didn't stop there. We then all met (Josie & her husband, Amber and her husband and than Jon and I) at our house... which is where we left ALL 7 of our kids with a babysitter and we went out for the night. This included Sushi for dinner, games and cake @ Josie's and than bowling.
I am TRULY blessed to have the friend's and family that I have. They ALL made my birthday SOOOO special, and if I would have known turning 30 was going to be this much fun I would have done it along time ago. :)


Katie said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Katie said...

Franna, what day is your birthday, exactly? I need to put it in my calendar!