Friday, October 21, 2011

Baby #4 update...

(16 weeks)

(20 weeks)

As of today I am currently 26 weeks along (due Jan. 27, 2012) with our lil man, Noah Isaac. Up until about a week ago I was having a FANTASTIC, textbook pregnancy. Unfortunately, things have changed a little. I have been having contractions VERY regularly since last weekend. Because of the contractions I spent 24 hours in the hospital trying to stop labor. Unfortunately, the contractions didn't stop but they weren't making me dilate so they sent me home. So, now here I sit on bedrest hoping and praying to stay pregnant for another day. (Bedrest when you have 3 toddlers is basically a joke, but I am trying my best to take it as easy as possible) Sophie was born 8 weeks early, so we know the struggle of having a preemie. We are praying to at least get this lil one out of the 20 weeks. The doctor gave me 2 steroid shots while I was in the hospital so hopefully his lil lungs will be strong and healthy.

I'm BAAAaaaAAACCK!!! :)

There is ALOT that I need to update about..... but the BIGGEST news is about our boys. The adoption of the boys was FINALIZED Sept. 1!!! We are VERY happy to have this ordeal over and we are so THANKFUL that they will be in our family forever!

The other LARGE amount of information to share is that we have closed and moved into our new house. We are LOVING it, but it still seems unreal.

(Sorry I dont know what happened to the picture, but the only thing that is missing is our front lawn.)