Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Court=NO fun!!!!

Yesterday we had another court hearing. What a roller coaster!!!!! It started out good hearing that they had decided to terminate the other parents rights due to their failure to complete their service agreement. However, it quickly went down hill when we realized they had decided to rehire their attorney. This is the attorney that has managed to get them all their previous extensions. After waiting til we were the last group in the waiting room we finally got called into the courtroom. This was VERY interesting because sitting at the table was the twins' father in shakles. He had been arrested Friday and was transferred over from the jail. You would think that showing up in handcuffs would AUTOMATICALLY end this case. However, somehow their lawyer still managed to get yet ANOTHER extension. (even though the judge said they are already over the legal limit for time on this case) Luckily, this extension is only for two weeks. So, we will be heading back to court June 9th. Funniest part of the experience though... after we had been dismissed the judge stood up and was trying to lift up this big file...which he quickly realized he was unable to lift, so he calls over his bailif to come get it. This file was the case file for the twins and their siblings.
Hopefully, June 9th we will have better news!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Two weeks down....

Well we completed our first two weeks back on our diet. Drum roll please..............
Starting weight: 149 lbs.
Current weight: 146 lbs.
Weight loss: 3lbs (2%)
Starting weight: 252 lbs.
Current weight: 241 lbs.
Weight loss: 11 lbs (4.4%)
We are continuing with our goal to lose 2% at each weigh in... so that puts our next goal at 3lbs for me and 5lbs. for Jon. Wish us luck!!! :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy.... Scared... Crazy

June 25th this is where you will be able to find me.
I can NOT believe I am actually going on a trip by myself... with NO children! What am I thinking??? This is the first time EVER since having Sophie that I will have spent a whole night away from my kids. I am super stoked and can't wait to be able to sleep in.... but, I am also already missing them. How do working moms do it? The thought of missing all the little things is making me feel so sad and REALLY guilty. Ok someone tell me that they will be fine, that they will survive and that I'm not a horrible mom for leaving them.
Ok. Done thinking like that! I am going to have a BLAST!!! I'm gonna see my family and enjoy every minute! :)
Can you tell I'm a little stressed about this?!?!?!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Well, we are at it again.....

Unfortunately, not all of our weight loss techniques have stuck with us since last year..... So, we are at it again.
So, here's the new stats.... (I can't believe I am sharing this online.. AGAIN!)
Starting weight: 149 (up 14 lbs from last year)
1st goal: Lose 2% in the next TWO weeks (3lbs)
Major goal: Lose 10 lbs (139lbs)
Starting weight: 252 (up 27 lbs from last year)
1st goal: Lose 2% in first TWO weeks (5lbs)
Major goal: Lose 22 lbs (230lbs)
Please don't judge us for falling off the wagon. This is just one more way to show we are definitely human and NOT perfect. We will probably struggle in this area for the rest of our lives. So we just ask for your love and support.... and if you see me eating something you KNOW that I shouldn't I give you my full permission to SMACK me upside the head! :)

Momma's Day!

What an amazingly, FANTASTIC day I was treated to yesterday!!!!
I was concerned about how the day would turn out, because I had given Jon a special request for the day. I wanted him to make my day great without spending ANY money.
As ALWAYS my husband VERY pleasantly surprised me!!!
I woke up to an amazing pancake breakfast in bed. Followed by my children surprising me with their BEAUTIFUL pictures they had colored. Jon had also made Tulips out of their handprints, and the Tulips had a special poem to go along with them.
After Church, (and ofcourse a Sunday nap) I was surprised with a get together over at our friend Amber's house. Our friend Josie was also there. Then our husbands all cooked us dinner, and fed the kids. I didn't have to lift a finger for anything. :)
Best part of Mother's day was that it didn't end until Monday. I got to sleep in late on Monday, and woke up to Jon doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen.
Spoiled? YES
Loved? YES

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Spring beach pics

Thanks to a contest on Facebook, we won a free session on the beach with our photographer. Go here to see our new pics.

New revelation...

#1 Thing I learned this last weekend... I never, EVER want to own a big dog.
We took care of our friends 6 mo old golden labs. He's a good dog, but WAY to much for me. The kids had a blast though!

That looks like it hurts!


Jeremiah had his first experience with the dentist last month. Thanks to a chip getting increasingly worse, he had to have two teeth pulled. So, now our lil man looks like he got into a fight and lost. I was shocked at how well he handled it though. Not a tear was shed from our lil tough man.