Now, I have to tell you about my wonderful husband. He had to work until 8pm on Valentine's so we weren't able to spend the whole day together, but he managed to get off work early and rushed home to see his family. He showed up with these beautiful roses that Sophie is pointing to, a beautiful balloon, and than proceded to make me dinner with all of my favorite foods. Do I have the best husband ever or what????? I say so. I hope when Sophie grows up she is able to find a man as good as her dad!
Now, I have to tell you about some of Sophie's loves. First of all I have to tell you that we do do other things than watch t.v., even though Sophie loves these following things. Number one and I do mean number 1 would be the Cellular South commercials. (we call them the asterisk commercials-they show usually a cartoon chopping down a big asterisk symbol) I don't care what is going on or which way Sophie is facing but she will make sure she can see that commercial. Usually that leads to a bottle flying, or food getting rubbed all over her face. It is hilarious!!!!! Number two is baby einstein movies...she practically goes into a trance while it is on. Number three would definitely have to be dogs. Jon and I can always tell when the dogs come walking into the room, because she will not pay any attention to us. What is funny is that it is not only our dogs that she
loves, but all dogs. This we learned when we went to Florida in December. We stayed with some friends that have a dog and Sophie sat and laughed at the dog hysterically for approx. 10-15 mins. She just thought he was the coolest thing. Now, I also have to say that Sophie definitely does love her parents and she is such a sweet, cuddly and adorable little girl, but we do have to admit that if any one of the previous things listed is in her line of sight, or if she hears one of the items, than we are definitely put on the bottom of her list. Which I for one think that is absolutely not fair especially since I gave birth to her. But at least we know that she always comes back to us and than we become Number 1!
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